About MedOffice®

MedOffice features a modern, comprehensive and professional medical billing software systems for the busy office. Our MedOffice® Practice Management software was designed to handle the billing functions for all types of specialties with ease. When you start a medical billing service it is important that you promote your business as using the most comprehensive, accurate, failsafe and feature-rich software on the market.

Here’s why MedOffice is your best choice if you intend to maintain a professional billing operation that can respond to the needs of today’s fast-changing health care industry...

Great Features

  • Built to handle every type of medical specialty.
  • More stable and advanced database than any other program.
  • Secure and compliant with all regulations, i.e. HIPAA, EDI, and ICD-10.
  • More functionality and features for doctors to enjoy.
  • More advanced than most software in the marketplace.
  • Flexible integration with electronic medical records systems.
  • Easily upgradable.

Maximum Flexibility, Security & Scalability!

Have MedOffice® Installed On-Premise™
Enjoy the power of MedOffice installed at your local machine (Your desktop, laptop, tablet, network...etc.). As your business needs change, you can turn this into a cloud setup anytime. This is also true vice versa.

Access MedOffice® On The Cloud
Perform all of your medical billing functions securely. Get the power of MedOffice anytime, anywhere! All of your data is backed up and secure so you can focus on your business.